Endangered Species
8-Channel Video composition, 3:30min, looped
self-contained video-sculpture; acrylic pills, video screen embedded in colored acrylic cases
23 x 35 x 5 in (58,4 x 88,9 x 12 cm)
Endangered Species series addresses the looming threat of extinction of the earth's major pollinators: the bee, the butterfly, the bat and the hummingbird. Specifically tinted according to the favorite color preferences of each species, these rectangular acrylic tableaux, serve as "scientific information" panels displaying a handful of tiny videos contained within pill-shaped sculpture forms. They bear "nutrition" information informing us of characteristics of each species and the re- spective severity of their endangerment levels. Its poetry undergoes a jarring sense of fragmentation and disconnection as if the earth's major pollinators are sequestered from their habitats, as if swimming around in laboratory Petri dishes, their essential nature encapsulated in a pill.
Video stills: Endangered Species, 2014
Endangered Species
8-Channel Video composition, 3:30min, looped, self-contained video-sculpture, acrylic pills, video screen embedded in colored acrylic cases
23 x 35 x 5 in (58,4 x 88,9 x 12 cm)