Material Universe
Two-channel video composition, 5:05 min, looped
Hand-blown glass bubbles, video screen embedded in white acrylic
20 x 15 x 14 in. / 51 x 38 x 35 cm
Material Universe explores our relationship to "things."
Loher has reimagined Sobelle‘s full length performance work "The Object Lesson" as a fragmented meditation on property, possession and packaging. The piece plays with the familiar/unfamiliar nature of ordinary objects as he unpacks cardboard boxes in a storage facility.
Loher is casting the performance as an object in and of itself. In Material Universe, the moment is held in a thin glass bubble - which feels as transient as the moment itself, as fragile as our attachment to it.
A deconstructed text from Swiss playwright Max Frisch‘s "Fragebogen" (Questionnaire) is added in this playful meditation on time, permanence and possession.